Jakarta Activation Framework 2.0 ================================== Jakarta Activation 2.0 introduces incompatible changes to the Jakarta Activation specification in order to comply with Jakarta EE 9 requirements. Following is a description of the changes that are being introduced in Jakarta Activation 2.0. The numbers in parentheses are bug numbers; you can find more information about the bug reports at: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaf/issues The Jakarta Activation 2.0 will require Java SE 8 or later. Jakarta Activation 2.0 will be part of Jakarta EE 9. =================================================================== 1. Package name is changed from javax.activation to jakarta.activation ---------------------------------------------------------------- A specification move the API package names from the top level javax package to the top level jakarta package. =================================================================== 2. Remove Jakarta Activation's API dependency on java.awt.datatransfer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those who write their own DataContentHandlers will need to change any references to the DataFlavor class to instead reference the ActivationDataFlavor class, and to remove any references to the Transferrable interface.