Jakarta Activation Framework 2.1 ================================== Jakarta Activation 2.1 breaks the tight integration between the Jakarta Activation specification API and Jakarta Activation implementation Following is a description of the changes that are being introduced in Jakarta Activation 2.1. The numbers in parentheses are bug numbers; you can find more information about the bug reports at: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaf/issues The Jakarta Activation 2.1 requires Java SE 8 or later. Jakarta Activation 2.1 is part of Jakarta EE 10. =================================================================== 1. Add provider SPI ---------------------------------------------------------------- Add jakarta.activation.spi package with interfaces for the provider of the compatible implementation of the Jakarta Activation Specification runtime to implement. =================================================================== 2. Remove the implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The implementation of the specification was moved to the new project - Eclipse Angus - and further development continues there. Eclipse Angus is direct accessor of JavaActivation/JakartaActivation.