Using Converters, Listeners, and Validators

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The previous chapter described components and explained how to add them to a web page. This chapter provides information on adding more functionality to the components through converters, listeners, and validators.

  • Converters are used to convert data that is received from the input components. Converters allow an application to bring the strongly typed features of the Java programming language into the String-based world of HTTP servlet programming.

  • Listeners are used to listen to the events happening in the page and perform actions as defined.

  • Validators are used to validate the data that is received from the input components. Validators allow an application to express constraints on form input data to ensure that the necessary requirements are met before the input data is processed.

Using the Standard Converters

The Jakarta Faces implementation provides a set of Converter implementations that you can use to convert component data. The purpose of conversion is to take the String-based data coming in from the Servlet API and convert it to strongly typed Java objects suitable for the business domain. For more information on the conceptual details of the conversion model, see Conversion Model.

The standard Converter implementations are located in the jakarta.faces.convert package. Normally, converters are implicitly assigned based on the type of the EL expression pointed to by the value of the component. However, these converters can also be accessed by a converter ID. Converter Classes and Converter IDs shows the converter classes and their associated converter IDs.

Converter Classes and Converter IDs
Class in the jakarta.faces.convert Package Converter ID



























A standard error message is associated with each of these converters. If you have registered one of these converters onto a component on your page and the converter is not able to convert the component’s value, the converter’s error message will display on the page. For example, the following error message appears if BigIntegerConverter fails to convert a value:

{0} must be a number consisting of one or more digits

In this case, the {0} substitution parameter will be replaced with the name of the input component on which the converter is registered.

Two of the standard converters (DateTimeConverter and NumberConverter) have their own tags, which allow you to configure the format of the component data using the tag attributes. For more information about using DateTimeConverter, see Using DateTimeConverter. For more information about using NumberConverter, see Using NumberConverter. The following section explains how to convert a component’s value, including how to register other standard converters with a component.

Converting a Component’s Value

To use a particular converter to convert a component’s value, you need to register the converter onto the component. You can register any of the standard converters in one of the following ways.

  • Nest one of the standard converter tags inside the component’s tag. These tags are f:convertDateTime and f:convertNumber, which are described in Using NumberConverter, respectively.

  • Bind the value of the component to a managed bean property of the same type as the converter. This is the most common technique.

  • Refer to the converter from the component tag’s converter attribute, specifying the ID of the converter class.

  • Nest an f:converter tag inside of the component tag, and use either the f:converter tag’s converterId attribute or its binding attribute to refer to the converter.

As an example of the second technique, if you want a component’s data to be converted to an Integer, you can simply bind the component’s value to a managed bean property. Here is an example:

Integer age = 0;
public Integer getAge(){ return age;}
public void setAge(Integer age) {this.age = age;}

The data from the h:inputText tag in the this example will be converted to a java.lang.Integer value. The Integer type is a supported type of NumberConverter. If you don’t need to specify any formatting instructions using the f:convertNumber tag attributes, and if one of the standard converters will suffice, you can simply reference that converter by using the component tag’s converter attribute.

You can also nest an f:converter tag within the component tag and use either the converter tag’s converterId attribute or its binding attribute to reference the converter.

The converterId attribute must reference the converter’s ID. Here is an example that uses one of the converter IDs listed in Converter Classes and Converter IDs:

<h:inputText value="#{loginBean.age}">
    <f:converter converterId="jakarta.faces.Integer" />

Instead of using the converterId attribute, the f:converter tag can use the binding attribute. The binding attribute must resolve to a bean property that accepts and returns an appropriate Converter instance.

You can also create custom converters and register them on components using the f:converter tag. For details, see Creating and Using a Custom Converter.

Using DateTimeConverter

You can convert a component’s data to a java.util.Date by nesting the convertDateTime tag inside the component tag. The convertDateTime tag has several attributes that allow you to specify the format and type of the data. Attributes for the f:convertDateTime Tag lists the attributes.

Here is a simple example of a convertDateTime tag:

<h:outputText value="#{cashierBean.shipDate}">
    <f:convertDateTime type="date" dateStyle="full" />

When binding the DateTimeConverter to a component, ensure that the managed bean property to which the component is bound is of type java.util.Date. In the preceding example, cashierBean.shipDate must be of type java.util.Date.

The example tag can display the following output:

Saturday, September 21, 2013

You can also display the same date and time by using the following tag in which the date format is specified:

<h:outputText value="#{cashierBean.shipDate}">
    <f:convertDateTime pattern="EEEEEEEE, MMM dd, yyyy" />

If you want to display the example date in Spanish, you can use the locale attribute:

<h:outputText value="#{cashierBean.shipDate}">
    <f:convertDateTime dateStyle="full"
                       timeStyle="long" type="both" />

This tag would display the following output:

jueves 24 de octubre de 2013 15:07:04 GMT

Refer to the "Customizing Formats" lesson of the Java Tutorial at for more information on how to format the output using the pattern attribute of the convertDateTime tag.

Attributes for the f:convertDateTime Tag
Attribute Type Description



Used to bind a converter to a managed bean property.



Defines the format, as specified by java.text.DateFormat, of a date or the date part of a date string. Applied only if type is date or both and if pattern is not defined. Valid values: default, short, medium, long, and full. If no value is specified, default is used.



Used with composite components. Refers to one of the objects within the composite component inside which this tag is nested.


String or Locale

Locale whose predefined styles for dates and times are used during formatting or parsing. If not specified, the Locale returned by FacesContext.getLocale will be used.



Custom formatting pattern that determines how the date/time string should be formatted and parsed. If this attribute is specified, dateStyle and timeStyle attributes are ignored.

See Type Attribute and Default Pattern Values for the default values when pattern is not specified.



Defines the format, as specified by java.text.DateFormat, of a time or the time part of a date string. Applied only if type is time and pattern is not defined. Valid values: default, short, medium, long, and full. If no value is specified, default is used.


String or TimeZone

Time zone in which to interpret any time information in the date string.



Specifies whether the string value will contain a date, a time, or both. Valid values are: date, time, both, LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime, or ZonedDateTime. If no value is specified, date is used.

See Type Attribute and Default Pattern Values for additional information.

Type Attribute and Default Pattern Values
Type Attribute Class Default When Pattern Is Not Specified




























Using NumberConverter

You can convert a component’s data to a java.lang.Number by nesting the convertNumber tag inside the component tag. The convertNumber tag has several attributes that allow you to specify the format and type of the data. Attributes for the f:convertNumber Tag lists the attributes.

The following example uses a convertNumber tag to display the total prices of the contents of a shopping cart:

<h:outputText value="#{}">
    <f:convertNumber currencySymbol="$" type="currency"/>

When binding the NumberConverter to a component, ensure that the managed bean property to which the component is bound is of a primitive type or has a type of java.lang.Number. In the preceding example, is of type double.

Here is an example of a number that this tag can display:


This result can also be displayed by using the following tag in which the currency pattern is specified:

<h:outputText id="cartTotal" value="#{}">
    <f:convertNumber pattern="$####" />

See the "Customizing Formats" lesson of the Java Tutorial at for more information on how to format the output by using the pattern attribute of the convertNumber tag.

Attributes for the f:convertNumber Tag
Attribute Type Description



Used to bind a converter to a managed bean property.



ISO 4217 currency code, used only when formatting currencies.



Currency symbol, applied only when formatting currencies.



Used with composite components. Refers to one of the objects within the composite component inside which this tag is nested.



Specifies whether formatted output contains grouping separators.



Specifies whether only the integer part of the value will be parsed.


String or Locale

Locale whose number styles are used to format or parse data.



Maximum number of digits formatted in the fractional part of the output.



Maximum number of digits formatted in the integer part of the output.



Minimum number of digits formatted in the fractional part of the output.



Minimum number of digits formatted in the integer part of the output.



Custom formatting pattern that determines how the number string is formatted and parsed.



Specifies whether the string value is parsed and formatted as a number, currency, or percentage. If not specified, number is used.

Registering Listeners on Components

An application developer can implement listeners as classes or as managed bean methods. If a listener is a managed bean method, the page author references the method from either the component’s valueChangeListener attribute or its actionListener attribute. If the listener is a class, the page author can reference the listener from either an f:valueChangeListener tag or an f:actionListener tag and nest the tag inside the component tag to register the listener on the component.

Referencing a Method That Handles an Action Event and Referencing a Method That Handles a Value-Change Event explain how a page author uses the valueChangeListener and actionListener attributes to reference managed bean methods that handle events.

This section explains how to register a NameChanged value-change listener and a BookChange action listener implementation on components. The Duke’s Bookstore case study includes both of these listeners.

Registering a Value-Change Listener on a Component

A page author can register a ValueChangeListener implementation on a component that implements EditableValueHolder by nesting an f:valueChangeListener tag within the component’s tag on the page. The f:valueChangeListener tag supports the attributes shown in Attributes for the f:valueChangeListener Tag, one of which must be used.

Attributes for the f:valueChangeListener Tag
Attribute Description


References the fully qualified class name of a ValueChangeListener implementation. Can accept a literal or a value expression.


References an object that implements ValueChangeListener. Can accept only a value expression, which must point to a managed bean property that accepts and returns a ValueChangeListener implementation.

The following example shows a value-change listener registered on a component:

<h:inputText id="name"
        type="ee.jakarta.tutorial.dukesbookstore.listeners.NameChanged" />

In the example, the core tag type attribute specifies the custom NameChanged listener as the ValueChangeListener implementation registered on the name component.

After this component tag is processed and local values have been validated, its corresponding component instance will queue the ValueChangeEvent associated with the specified ValueChangeListener to the component.

The binding attribute is used to bind a ValueChangeListener implementation to a managed bean property. This attribute works in a similar way to the binding attribute supported by the standard converter tags. See Binding Component Values and Instances to Managed Bean Properties for more information.

Registering an Action Listener on a Component

A page author can register an ActionListener implementation on a command component by nesting an f:actionListener tag within the component’s tag on the page. Similarly to the f:valueChangeListener tag, the f:actionListener tag supports both the type and binding attributes. One of these attributes must be used to reference the action listener.

Here is an example of an h:commandLink tag that references an ActionListener implementation:

<h:commandLink id="Duke" action="bookstore">
        type="ee.jakarta.tutorial.dukesbookstore.listeners.LinkBookChangeListener" />
    <h:outputText value="#{bundle.Book201}"/>

The type attribute of the f:actionListener tag specifies the fully qualified class name of the ActionListener implementation. Similarly to the f:valueChangeListener tag, the f:actionListener tag also supports the binding attribute. See Binding Converters, Listeners, and Validators to Managed Bean Properties for more information about binding listeners to managed bean properties.

In addition to the actionListener tag that allows you register a custom listener onto a component, the core tag library includes the f:setPropertyActionListener tag. You use this tag to register a special action listener onto the ActionSource instance associated with a component. When the component is activated, the listener will store the object referenced by the tag’s value attribute into the object referenced by the tag’s target attribute.

The bookcatalog.xhtml page of the Duke’s Bookstore application uses f:setPropertyActionListener with two components: the h:commandLink component used to link to the bookdetails.xhtml page and the h:commandButton component used to add a book to the cart:

<h:dataTable id="books"
    rowClasses="list-row-even, list-row-odd"
    summary="#{bundle.BookCatalog}" >
        <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{bundle.ItemTitle}"/>
        <h:commandLink action="#{catalog.details}"
            <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{}"
        <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{bundle.CartAdd}"/>
        <h:commandButton id="add"
            <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{}"

The h:commandLink and h:commandButton tags are within an h:dataTable tag, which iterates over the list of books. The var attribute refers to a single book in the list of books.

The object referenced by the var attribute of an h:dataTable tag is in page scope. However, in this case you need to put this object into request scope so that when the user activates the commandLink component to go to bookdetails.xhtml or activates the commandButton component to go to bookcatalog.xhtml, the book data is available to those pages. Therefore, the f:setPropertyActionListener tag is used to set the current book object into request scope when the commandLink or commandButton component is activated.

In the preceding example, the f:setPropertyActionListener tag’s value attribute references the book object. The f:setPropertyActionListener tag’s target attribute references the value expression, which is where the book object referenced by the value attribute is stored when the commandLink or the commandButton component is activated.

Using the Standard Validators

Jakarta Faces technology provides a set of standard classes and associated tags that page authors and application developers can use to validate a component’s data. The Validator Classes lists all the standard validator classes and the tags that allow you to use the validators from the page.

The Validator Classes
Validator Class Tag Function



Registers a bean validator for the component.



Allows cross-field validation by enabling class-level bean validation on CDI-based backing beans.



Checks whether the local value of a component is within a certain range. The value must be floating-point or convertible to floating-point.



Checks whether the length of a component’s local value is within a certain range. The value must be a java.lang.String.



Checks whether the local value of a component is within a certain range. The value must be any numeric type or String that can be converted to a long.



Checks whether the local value of a component is a match against a regular expression from the java.util.regex package.



Ensures that the local value is not empty on an EditableValueHolder component.

All of these validator classes implement the Validator interface. Component writers and application developers can also implement this interface to define their own set of constraints for a component’s value.

Similar to the standard converters, each of these validators has one or more standard error messages associated with it. If you have registered one of these validators onto a component on your page and the validator is unable to validate the component’s value, the validator’s error message will display on the page. For example, the error message that displays when the component’s value exceeds the maximum value allowed by LongRangeValidator is as follows:

{1}: Validation Error: Value is greater than allowable maximum of "{0}"

In this case, the {1} substitution parameter is replaced by the component’s label or id, and the {0} substitution parameter is replaced with the maximum value allowed by the validator.

See Displaying Error Messages with the h:message and h:messages Tags for information on how to display validation error messages on the page when validation fails.

Instead of using the standard validators, you can use Bean Validation to validate data. If you specify bean validation constraints on your managed bean properties, the constraints are automatically placed on the corresponding fields on your applications web pages. See Introduction to Jakarta Bean Validation for more information. You do not need to specify the validateBean tag to use Bean Validation, but the tag allows you to use more advanced Bean Validation features. For example, you can use the validationGroups attribute of the tag to specify constraint groups.

You can also create and register custom validators, although Bean Validation has made this feature less useful. For details, see Creating and Using a Custom Validator.

Validating a Component’s Value

To validate a component’s value using a particular validator, you need to register that validator on the component. You can do this in one of the following ways.

  • Nest the validator’s corresponding tag (shown in The Validator Classes) inside the component’s tag. Using Validator Tags explains how to use the validateLongRange tag. You can use the other standard tags in the same way.

  • Refer to a method that performs the validation from the component tag’s validator attribute.

  • Nest a validator tag inside the component tag, and use either the validator tag’s validatorId attribute or its binding attribute to refer to the validator.

See Referencing a Method That Performs Validation for more information on using the validator attribute.

The validatorId attribute works similarly to the converterId attribute of the converter tag, as described in Converting a Component’s Value.

Keep in mind that validation can be performed only on components that implement EditableValueHolder, because these components accept values that can be validated.

Using Validator Tags

The following example shows how to use the f:validateLongRange validator tag on an input component named quantity:

<h:inputText id="quantity" size="4" value="#{item.quantity}">
    <f:validateLongRange minimum="1"/>
<h:message for="quantity"/>

This tag requires the user to enter a number that is at least 1. The validateLongRange tag also has a maximum attribute, which sets a maximum value for the input.

The attributes of all the standard validator tags accept EL value expressions. This means that the attributes can reference managed bean properties rather than specify literal values. For example, the f:validateLongRange tag in the preceding example can reference managed bean properties called minimum and maximum to get the minimum and maximum values acceptable to the validator implementation, as shown in this snippet from the guessnumber-faces example:

<h:inputText id="userNo"
             title="Type a number from 0 to 10:"
    <f:validateLongRange minimum="#{userNumberBean.minimum}"

The following f:validateRegex tag shows how you might ensure that a password is from 4 to 10 characters long and contains at least one digit, at least one lowercase letter, and at least one uppercase letter:

<f:validateRegex pattern="((?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{4,10})"

Referencing a Managed Bean Method

A component tag has a set of attributes for referencing managed bean methods that can perform certain functions for the component associated with the tag. These attributes are summarized in Component Tag Attributes That Reference Managed Bean Methods.

Component Tag Attributes That Reference Managed Bean Methods
Attribute Function


Refers to a managed bean method that performs navigation processing for the component and returns a logical outcome String


Refers to a managed bean method that handles action events


Refers to a managed bean method that performs validation on the component’s value


Refers to a managed bean method that handles value-change events

Only components that implement ActionSource can use the action and actionListener attributes. Only components that implement EditableValueHolder can use the validator or valueChangeListener attributes.

The component tag refers to a managed bean method using a method expression as a value of one of the attributes. The method referenced by an attribute must follow a particular signature, which is defined by the tag attribute’s definition in the Jakarta Faces Facelets Tag Library documentation. For example, the definition of the validator attribute of the inputText tag is the following:

void validate(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext,
              jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent, java.lang.Object)

The following sections give examples of how to use the attributes.

Referencing a Method That Performs Navigation

If your page includes a component, such as a button or a link, that causes the application to navigate to another page when the component is activated, the tag corresponding to this component must include an action attribute. This attribute does one of the following:

  • Specifies a logical outcome String that tells the application which page to access next

  • References a managed bean method that performs some processing and returns a logical outcome String

The following example shows how to reference a navigation method:

<h:commandButton value="#{bundle.Submit}"
                 action="#{cashierBean.submit}" />

See Writing a Method to Handle Navigation for information on how to write such a method.

Referencing a Method That Handles an Action Event

If a component on your page generates an action event, and if that event is handled by a managed bean method, you refer to the method by using the component’s actionListener attribute.

The following example shows how such a method could be referenced:

<h:commandLink id="Duke" action="bookstore"

The actionListener attribute of this component tag references the chooseBookFromLink method using a method expression. The chooseBookFromLink method handles the event when the user clicks the link rendered by this component. See Writing a Method to Handle an Action Event for information on how to write such a method.

Referencing a Method That Performs Validation

If the input of one of the components on your page is validated by a managed bean method, refer to the method from the component’s tag by using the validator attribute.

The following simplified example from The guessnumber-cdi CDI Example shows how to reference a method that performs validation on inputGuess, an input component:

<h:inputText id="inputGuess"
    required="true" size="3"
    disabled="#{userNumberBean.number eq userNumberBean.userNumber ...}"

The managed bean method validateNumberRange verifies that the input value is within the valid range, which changes each time another guess is made. See Writing a Method to Perform Validation for information on how to write such a method.

Referencing a Method That Handles a Value-Change Event

If you want a component on your page to generate a value-change event and you want that event to be handled by a managed bean method instead of a ValueChangeListener implementation, you refer to the method by using the component’s valueChangeListener attribute:

<h:inputText id="name"
             valueChangeListener="#{cashierBean.processValueChange}" />

The valueChangeListener attribute of this component tag references the processValueChange method of CashierBean by using a method expression. The processValueChange method handles the event of a user entering a name in the input field rendered by this component.

Writing a Method to Handle a Value-Change Event describes how to implement a method that handles a ValueChangeEvent.