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Jakarta EE Platform Call

General Date: 2019-11-12


  • Kevin Sutter
  • Bill Shannon
  • Ivar Grimstad
  • Emily Jiang
  • Tanja Obradovic
  • Martin Stefanko
  • Ken Finnigan
  • Edwin Amoakwa
  • Carlos Andres De La Rosa
  • Steve Millidge
  • Rudy De Busscher
  • Alessio Soldano


  • Organize ourselves

Kevin (IBM) and Steve (Payara) volunteered to take on the Delivery Owner and Co-pilot role for Jakarta EE 9. Final confirmation pending.

Keep the current meeting time: 11:00 AM EST every Tuesday, except when it conflicts with the PMC meeting. Then the PMC meeting takes precedence.

PMC Calendar

Minutes will be published at Jakarta EE Platform Project Web Page

Source of minutes:

  • [KWS] Big Bang vs Incremental. Need to decide. Several projects are stomping at the bit to move on the package rename exercise.

DECISION: Big Bang is the stated direction.

  • [KWS] Java SE 8 or Java SE 11 as the minimum. Another key decision to allow for continued development efforts.

Moved to next week.

  • [IG] “Jakartify” the specification documents.


  • [IG] Decide which specifications to prune/deprecate.

Publish specific proposal(s) to Platform dev mailing list. Steve volunteered to organize the material and post for a “vote” by Platform Committers. The list should even contain items that has been decided.

  • [TO] Tanja to find out a list of committers on the Jakarta EE Platform Project and request them to sign up to the platform project mailing list.

We want it to be a requirement for committers to subscribe to the mailing list.

  • [KWS] Determine a dependency graph for the remaining projects and work out a spreadsheet (or some doc) of all of the pieces of required work.
    • Work with David Blevins on the dependency work that he did previously.


Based on previous discussions, the Jakarta EE Steering Committee provided the following guidance in the form of goals for the Jakarta EE 9 release. This project team needs to produce a plan that meets these goals by Dec 9. If we determine that there are technical reasons that a particular goal can not be met, we need to provide that feedback to the Steering Committee. The project plan needs to provide technical guidance to the many specification and implementation projects that will contribute to the Jakarta EE 9 release, and must determine whether sufficient resources are likely to be available to meet the Jakarta EE9 requirements on the proposed schedule.

Steering Committee, October 29, 2019:

RESOLVED, the Jakarta EE Steering Committee requests that the Jakarta EE Platform Project leadership deliver a Jakarta EE 9 Delivery Plan to the Steering Committee no later than December 9, 2019, for the Steering Committee to consider adopting as the roadmap for Jakarta EE 9, and that the Jakarta EE 9 Delivery Plan accommodates the following constraints:

  • implements the “big bang”
  • Includes an explicit means to identify and enable specifications that are unnecessary or unwanted to be deprecated or removed
  • Moves all remaining specification APIs to the Jakarta namespace
  • States that no new specifications are to be added, apart from specifications pruned from Java SE 8 where appropriate, unless those specifications clearly will not impact the target delivery date

The plan shall define a delivery date, and the team should view meeting the above requirements in as early a timeframe as possible as a higher priority than adding additional functionality to the release.

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