This is the project for the Jakarta EE Platform specification. The Jakarta EE Platform specification is the umbrella specification that defines the Jakarta EE platform. The platform specification doesn’t define the Jakarta EE APIs directly, but rather includes them by reference to other Jakarta specifications and defines how they all fit together in the overall Jakarta EE platform. The platform specification also defines other attributes of the platform such as security, deployment, transactions, and interoperability.
Be sure to view this page at, not at the GitHub source code repository README view, so that the links in this page will work correctly.
The official location for all of the Jakarta EE API Specifications and Javadocs is on the Jakarta EE Specifications page. This local Specifications page is also maintained to contain convenient links to the various project pages, specifications, and compatible implementations for all Jakarta EE specification projects.
The latest API Java documentation for the Jakarta EE platform are collected here:
The Jakarta EE 11 page contains links to the documentation and processes used for Jakarta EE 11.
Jakarta EE 10 was approved by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee on September 22, 2022. The final specification is available for download on the Jakarta EE specification page.
Jakarta EE 9.1 was approved by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee on May 17, 2021. The final specification is available for download on the Jakarta EE specification page.
The Jakarta EE 9.1 page contains links to the documentation and processes that were used for a successful Jakarta EE 9.1 release.
Jakarta EE 9 was approved by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee on November 20, 2020. The final specification is available for download on the Jakarta EE specification page.
The Jakarta EE 9 page contains links to the documentation and processes that were used for a successful Jakarta EE 9 release.
A Community Retrospective on the Jakarta EE 9 Release is pending…
Jakarta EE 8 was approved by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee on Sep 10, 2019. The final specification is available for download on the Jakarta EE specification page.
Summary of the Community Retrospective on the Jakarta EE 8 Release.
You can track all the platform project communication by subscribing to the jakartaee-platform-dev mailing list. To subscribe, or to browse the archives, see the jakartaee-platform-dev page.
You can find the drafts of proposals and other working documents on the Documents page. (Currently this contains only historical Java EE proposals.)
The Platform Project holds regular meetings. The meeting minutes provides information on time, location, decisions, and frequency.
The rules we follow to ensure backwards compatibility when revising Jakarta EE specifications are described on the Compatibility Requirements page.
Read How to Publish XML Schemas for instructions for how to publish XML Schemas to
The rules for version numbers of specification documents, API jar files, etc. are described on the Versioning page.
The use of JCP processes by the Java EE group at Oracle is described on the JCP Processes page. (This page has not been updated to reflect the Jakarta EE Specification Process.)
Annotations are used heavily in the Jakarta EE programming model. It’s important that all Jakarta EE specifications define and use annotations in a consistent way. We’ve written up some DRAFT rules on how annotations work.
For more about “JEE”, see this page.