General Date: 2019-11-26
Another key decision to allow for continued development efforts.
Deferred to next meeting
[KWS] Does the package rename from javax.* to jakarta.* require a major version update for each component spec? For example, does CDI 2.x have to do a 3.0 release when doing the move to the jakarta.* namespace?
Two areas to discuss (at least):
Conclusion from mailing list discussion:
The package level versioning is recommended, not specified.
Pruning Vote +1 Steve Millidge +1 Werner Keil +1 Ivar Grimstad +1 Bill Shannon -1 Kenji Kazumura +1 Kevin Sutter +1 Scott Stark
Kenji added further breakdown of the -1
The EJB specs with -1 above are optional in Jakarta EE 8. JSR 109 was not previously marked optional.
Adding Vote +1 Steve Millidge +1 Werner Keil +1 Ivar Grimstad +1 Bill Shannon +1 Kenji Kazumura -1 Kevin Sutter -1 Scott Stark
Discussed how to handle -1 votes on add/prune topics above. Should we vote on the specs individually? Or group by technology (the SOAP support as a group).
DECISON: Decisions will be made with majority votes. Unanimous is not needed.
(Kevin has put a request to all the spec projects for a date)
We need a target date for the specifications to be ready several weeks before the target end date. Using milestone releases will solve the issue of artifacts timing out in the OSSRH staging repository.
Discussed which implementation will be the first compatible implementation. The optional aspects may “force” this to be Eclipse GlassFish. That means that we will need a release plan for Eclipse GlassFish in order to create a plan for Jakarta EE 9.
Discuss on the mailing list.
If we can create such a list, it can be used for the component specs to estimate when they will be able to deliver.
Deferred to next meeting