Date: 2020-04-21
- Kevin Sutter (IBM)
- Werner Keil (Individual)
- Bill Shannon (Oracle)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Guillermo González de Agüero (Individual)
- Nathan Erwin (Individual)
- Scott Stark (Red Hat)
- Martin Stefanko (Red Hat)
- Alessio Soldano (Red Hat)
- Paul Nicolucci (IBM)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
- Nitin Dahyabhai (WTP)
- Kenji Kazumura (Fujitsu)
- Steve Millidge (Payara)
- Andy McCright (IBM)
- Cesar Hernandez (Tomitribe)
Implementation projects need to release RCs [SM]
- GlassFish depends on upstream implementations of component specs
- Only need the implementation RCs in the Staging Repo (not necessary as Maven artifacts)
- Dependency graph for implementations more complex (e.g. contains cycles) than API projects.
- Need to identify bottlenecks and contact individual projects as the needs arise
- Scott Stark indicated that CDI RC should be ready this week. That should help several implementation efforts…
Draft PRs for Specifications repository [KWS]
- Kevin walked through the email that he sent out to the Spec Project Leads and Platform mailing lists. Encouraging the creation of Draft PRs by all Specification Projects.
- Ed brought up the idea of using Labels to organize all of the Jakarta EE 9 PRs. Emily brought up the idea of using - Milestones to organize the PRs. Kevin will investigate.
- Dmitry indicated that the overall Spec process is complicated. We should work at simplifying the process, which would be a separate topic for the Specification Committee. Kevin will bring up to the Spec Committee.
Follow up on implementation-specific schema namespaces (ie. glassfish) [IG, KWS]
- Use org.eclipse/xml/ns or org.glassfish/xml/ns ? Ivar is on it
- How to get org.glassfish reactivated. Ivar will check
JPMS (Jigsaw) usage in Jakarta EE [WK]
- Definitely not for Jakarta EE 9
- Suggestion is to start a separate thread on the Platform mailing list to discuss and prep for Jakarta EE 10
Naming of Spec Versions and API Versions [Scott Kurz]
- Where are these versioning name conventions documented?
- Spec versions do not use the third digit. Use “rev A” instead. For example, Jakarta Batch 2.0 rev A (not Jakarta Batch 2.0.1).
- API and TCK versions can use the third digit. For example, Jakarta Batch API 2.0.1 is okay.
- Semantic versioning – have we documented the use of Semantic Versioning for the APIs? I thought we had already documented the encouragement of semantic versioning, but not require it. Kevin will look for the document (possibly in EFSP).. The Spec requirements may be different from the Package requirements.