Date: 2020-09-22
- Kevin Sutter (IBM)
- Andy McCright (IBM)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Jonathan Gallimore (Tomitribe)
- Jean-Louis Monteiro (Tomitribe)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Werner Keil (Individual)
- Tom Jenkinson (Red Hat)
[KWS] XML Binding (jaxb) is marked as an optional specification for Jakarta EE 9.
JAX-RS still has (had) a dependency on jaxb and it was causing issues with testing. Here are the actions taken so far. Is there anything else?
[KWS] Need three more draft Specification PRs for Jakarta EE 9
- JSP (Pages), JSTL (Tag Library), JSF (Faces)
- Write PRs and/or Issues for items that still need changing.
- Issues exist for the removal of Corba/IIOP (David Blevins volunteered for this item). Also, an issue exists for the new/updated Backward Compatibility section.
- Web Profile and Managed Beans specs are much simpler and are probably very close. But, reviewing these would also be appreciated.
- Platform TCK user guide- also needs a thorough review.
Module naming exercise should be “done” according to Werner.
- Werner will post to Web Socket PR when he has completed the final verification.
Renaming of “master” branch to “main” (or whatever is the proper terminology).
- Could be a global change to “main” across all github repositories?
- Will be up to each team at this point. Nothing is required for Jakarta EE 9.
Jakarta EE 10
- Need a replacement Kevin for Jakarta EE 10, to gather thoughts and direction
- This will be the first Jakarta release with new features actually being added
- Creating a release plan for EE 10 that involves going through what to include and what to leave out, so that is related to what we did for EE9 in the past.
- Platform team agenda can include EE 10 item to get the conversation going.
- Do we need a “Platform Guide” to help with guiding the component specifications going forward? A means of catching inconsistencies that are accidentally included in future component specs.
- End goal (beyond Jakarta EE 9) is to separate the various Platform TCKs into their respective components (ie. Servlet, EJB, etc). What will be the requirements of these component TCKs so that they can still be pulled into the “platform TCK”?