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Date: 2020-11-17
- Kevin Sutter (IBM)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Cesar Hernandez (Tomitribe)
- Nitin Dahyabhai (Eclipse WTP)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- David Blevins (Tomitribe)
- Jean-Louis Monteiro (Tomitribe)
- Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
- Tanja Obradovic (Eclipse Foundation)
- BJ Hargrave (IBM)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
- Kenji Kazumura (Fujitsu)
- Werner Keil (Individual)
- Paul Nicolucci (IBM)
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Steve Millidge (Payara)
- Ryan Cuprak (Jakarta EE Ambassadors)
Agenda and Minutes
- Major version of platform:
- New major version of specifications
- New specifications added
- Backward incompatible changes
- All others are minor
Timebox the releases or based on feature content?
- Goal to release 9.1 early in H1 2021
- If there are other spec ready during the year, another release (minor or major) will be on the table
- The time boxed option will be considered later
Discussion regarding backwards incompatible changes
- Current Guidelines:
- Should we allow breaking changes?
- Is PortableRemoteObject moving to EJB SPEC API a breaking change?
- No, applications can still use Java 8 PortableRemoteObject.
- TCK tests will change to EJB SPEC API PortableRemoteObject though in 9.1.
- Deprecate first and remove in next release?
- Give a couple of releases to prepare for incompatible changes?
- Ask the projects if they have breaking changes prepared?
- Breaking changes must be documented thoroughly in the project’s plan review
- If a breaking change affects the platform, it must be identified in the platform specification as well
Jakarta EE 9.1 (recurring agenda item)
- Goal to release early in H1 2021
- GlassFish 6.x JDK 11 support
- Platform TCK JDK 8 + 11 or only JDK 11 support?
- If GlassFish 6.2 only supports JDK 11, which EE implementation passes the (optional) JDK 8 tests on EE 9.1 for certification?
- Should we start requesting plan reviews from all components that want to release new versions with 9.1?
- Set a deadline for this?
- Set requirements for inclusion in the release
- Plan plan review for the platform specification
- Create a draft of this (release plan)
- Continue this discussion next week (start with this)
Jakarta EE NEXT (recurring agenda item)
- NEXT may be major or minor depending on the content
How do we handle Optional parts (discussion item for next meeting)
- Will potentially require a change in the EFSP
- Bring this to the specification committee
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