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Date: 2021-03-02
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Andy McCright (IBM)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Kevin Sutter (IBM)
- Jesse McConnell (Webtide)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
- Thomas Watson (IBM)
- David Blevins (Tomitribe)
- Scott Stark (Red Hat)
- Jason Mehrens (Committer)
- BJ Hargrave (IBM)
- Steve Millidge (Payara)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
- Tanja Obradovic (Eclipse Foundation)
- Kenji Kazumura (Fujitsu)
- Werner Keil (Committer)
Agenda and Minutes (30 min call due to PMC at bottom of hour)
Jakarta EE 9.1
- TCK and GF status
- JDK 8 Full Platform still passes!
- JDK 11 is getting more attention, some TCK issues + GF issues.
- App client container failures, certificate failures.
- GlassFish runs on JDK 11, passes its internal tests
- TCK Test failures should be reported in the GF issue tracker
- EJB test references to PortableRemoteObject#narrow?
- Vote happening on EJB Dev mailing list
- EJB test references to CORBA.ORB?
- Eager vs lazy loading of references
- Only (Corba) optional tests can still reference the CORBA.ORB class (to avoid CNFE on eager classloading JVMs).
- Based on current status, it is likely that the release date will be pushed out to April
Release Lead for next release (EE 9.2 or 10)
- Most likely should come from the Platform Project pool
- Deferred to next call
Develop release roadmap for 2021 (versions, quarters)
- Q1 goal of 2021 Program plan
- Identify a lead for this effort
- Deferred to next call
TCK Guidelines
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