Date: 2021-11-02
Kevin sent out a note to the Spec Committee mentors asking for some assistance with the Component Specs targeted for Jakarta EE 10. Prompted some activity, but we’re still not ready for the PRs and Ballots.
Scott Stark reports that service release updates are still in progress. For example Interceptors. There are dependency related issues that are blocking some specification progress. See EE 10 Spec. planner spreadsheet. See Jakarta EE Sheet (Jakarta 9.1 & 10 PR tab)
JSON Binding may need to move from minor to major release due to proposal for adding an incompatible API. There are still some other issues pending so this is still a ‘possible’ update.
Work is proceeding.
Stand-alone staged Specification TCK build work is underway. These allow use of staged Maven artifacts in replacement of the GlassFish build.
Still need to remove CORBA API JARs that are pulled out of GlassFish – this is still work in progress
Some additional work for separate / refactored TCKs – Alwin and Guru work is appreciated.
Some discussion about resolving Arquillian changes needed by stand-alone TCKS. JAX-RS TCK has a requirement that involves vendor-specific deployment descriptors and is searching for a vendor neutral solution. This work will continue.
Discussion about notification requirements from Component Specifications when new artifacts are released. There seemed to be agreement that something affirmative should be done to track updates in artifacts – rather than just discovering changes due to TCK failures.
Discussed ambiguities in language (First (1) Priority, Second (2) Priority vs. Top Priority (i.e. highest number – e.g. 10000).
Discussed possible patterns to address confusions and ambiguities in the descriptive language vs. the implementation interpretation
Possible to create new annotations that use a consistent approach and can be utilized across different specifications (show up in Annotations specification – Roberto provided the following link into the Annotations Specification on this topic).