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Date: 2021-12-07
- Scott Stark (Red Hat)
- Thomas Watson (IBM)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- BJ Hargrave (IBM)
- Roberto Cortez (Red Hat)
- Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
- Lukas Jungmann (Oracle) (+10mins)
Agenda and Minutes
Jakarta EE 10 Status (standing agenda item)
- OSGi versioning is a bit of a mess - anything we can really do for EE10?
- AI, Scott will ask if CDI is ok with trying out OSGi annotations, if so, create issue to investigate usage the BJ will take on
- Most likely punting on this issue until EE11 for most specs
- TCK status?
- Includes TCKs that are expected to migrate to Standalone TCKs, like Restful Web Services
- Some persistence tests are being added and some other technologies have tests being added via pull requests that need to be merged.
- Documentation needs to be updated for EE 10 still.
- 17 open issues for EE 10
- Activation tck should be considered done (need glassfish )
- jsonp tck should be done by end of week
- Mail tck (spec is basically ready for ballot) - one outstanding issue
- Creating new TCK tests for persistence.
- Projects are working on getting spec committee PRs - spec committee mentors are supposed to reach out to those who have no recent status updates
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