Has been agreed upon in the TCK calls
- There are two sets of TCK tests
- Standalone tests
- Platform tests
- (Smaller amount of) tests for how JSON-B behaves in the Platform
No-one on the call objected to this way of handling standalone TCK tests
TCK User Guides should list all additional requirements that need to be met to pass the TCK.
- A Platform including JSON-B must
- Pass the Platform TCK tests for JSON-B, and
- Either include an implementation that has passed the JSON-B standalone tests
- Or pass the standalone tests with their own implementation
The Platform TCK must be clear on how to handle standalone TCKs
JSON-B was used as an example in the discussion. It applies to all specifications with standalone TCKs (refactored out of the platform TCK)
- EE implementations should still provide JSON-B/P test results or provide link to passing CCR for the JSON-P/B implementation
- Providing links to the CCR could be problematic to track.
- Provide Platform TCK user guide guidance on where EE implementations should look to find the CCRs.
- Include only summary of tests passed from CCR or include full log of which tests passed?
- Marlow: vote for CCR summary of number of tests passed
- Results are self-validated by the implementor.
- , to write up Platform TCK requirements for new separated TCK. Scott Marlow can help also.
- to help validate that the requirements can be met. Scott Marlow can help also.