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Date: 2022-09-27
- Jared Anderson (IBM)
- Jim Krueger (IBM)
- Nathan Rauh (IBM)
- Tom Watson (IBM)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
- Werner Keil (Committer/Ambassador)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
- Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
- BJ Hargrave (IBM)
- Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
- Kenji Kazumura (Fujitsu)
- Scott Stark (Red Hat)
Agenda and Minutes
Define Top Level Objectives for Jakarta EE NEXT
- Mail from Steve:
- CDI Centric
- What would be the requirement for optional specs (Jakarta XML WS as an example)?
- Define requirements for the component specifications
- Java SE Level
- Decide on platform SE level for EE 11
- Topic for the monthly call
- Create an issue for raising language level to 17
- Should be able to run the TCK with 21 (assuming that is the latest LTS when EE 11 is released)
- Aim for an 10.1 to support Java SE 21 support?
- The current TCK will not work with anything beyond SE 19
- Suggestion: point release (10.1) for service releases, minor updates, support SE 21. Major release (11) with major updates, raising the SE level.
- Allows for faster pace
- Only the platform/profiles develop multiple releases simultaneously
- Component specs would only work on one version at a time. Either a minor or major
- Security Manager
- Prepare for virtual threads
- Create an issue (epic) to cover all related to virtual threads
- E.g. avoid using ThreadLocal
- Is this more of an implementation issue? (which could be handled by Multi-Release JARs unlike the API)
- Are there any specifications that are candidates for removal from platform or any of the profiles in EE 11?
Question – should we host a recurring meeting for all committers and/or project leads to discuss management/technical specific topics of general nature? (Ed)
- Once a month?
- Use a first meeting of the month (platform call)
- Make sure the agenda of the general meeting does not depend on attendants having attended the weekly meetings
- Prepare agenda ahead
- Special invites/encouragement to specific teams depending on topic
- First of this kind is November 1st
- Purpose of the meeting:
- Communicate what’s going on in the Platform to the project
- Give project opportunity to communicate back
- Grow the committer community
- General monthly meeting may encourage more participation
- Communicate objectives
- Offer help
- General presentations
- Separate calendar invite with separate agenda - Ivar will create
- Communicate (blogs, tweets, newsletters, email etc) - all
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