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Date: 2023-08-08
- Ed Burns (MSFT)
- Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
- John Clingan (Red Hat)
- Jared Anderson (IBM)
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Jim Krueger (IBM)
- Nathan Rauh (IBM)
- Tom Watson (IBM)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
- Werner Keil (Committer/Ambassador)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Scott Stark (Red Hat)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
- Cesar Hernandez (Tomitribe)
Agenda and Minutes
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Jakarta EE 11 Plan
- JEA-6 Actions to prepare for spec committee meeting tomorrow 2023-08-09.
- Present plan document and platform PRs.
- Also Ed to give status at steering committee meeting next week 2023-08-15.
- JEA-42 [Jan] Jakarta Annotation(s) 3.0.0 - removal of @ManagedBean breaking change, affected specs:
- Jakarta Annotation(s) (itself, spec)
- Jakarta CDI (spec, TCK Impl, TCK Web)
- Jakarta Faces (spec changelog)
- Jakarta Managed Beans (spec, itself)
- Jakarta Platform TCK (i.e. appclient, ejb30, jaxrs, jms)
- Jakarta REST(ful) Web Services (spec, in environment/_javaee.adoc)
- Where to create the issue to track this (i.e. Platform API, annotations API or somewhere else)?
- Emily shared findings from the persistence call.
- For optional features, do we need to go through a formal “deprecation” process?
- Ed asked: does the Spec Committee maintenance document cover this explicitly? Apparently not.
- Scott and Emily agreed to bring this up at the spec committee meeting tomorrow 2023-08-09.
[Ivar] Add a section regarding candidate specifications?
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