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Jakarta EE Platform Call
Date: 2024-01-23
- Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
- James Perkins (Red Hat)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- John Clingan (Red Hat)
- Jared Anderson (IBM)
- Kyle Aure (IBM)
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Jim Krueger (IBM)
- Riva Philip (IBM)
- Nathan Rauh (IBM)
- Tom Watson (IBM)
- Adam Yoho (IBM)
- Scott Stark (Red Hat)
- Nathan Erwin (Individual)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
- Cesar Hernandez (Tomitribe)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
Agenda and Minutes
- Baseline JDK is now JDK 17 as to Red Hat’s request
- Email from steering committee
- Question -> must process be followed
- Wayne mentioned spec process doesn’t require a vote
- Spec committee will have a vote
- Some concerns about virtual threads
- A compatible component impl must pass their component TCK when run under Java 17 or 21.
- To ratify a component specification, there must exist an implementation that passes on Java 17. There must also exist an implementation that passes on 21.
- These need not be the same implementation. There can be one implementation that passes on 17 and a different one that passes on 21.
- A compatible platform impl must pass the platform TCK when run under 17 or 21.
- To ratify a platform specification, there must exist an implementation that passes on 17. There must also exist an implementation that passes on 21.
- These need not be the same implementation. There can be one implementation that passes on 17 and a different one that passes on 21.
- Discussed the above
- Steve Millidge
- Steve brought it up at the steering committee
- Specification committee will discuss it
- GlassFish community
- Revert 8.0 branch to JDK 17
- Anyone against it in this group? -> Nobody against it
- Appclient container support is being worked on now.
- TCK Test vehicles need equivalent.
- Most of the tests need further work for deploying and running on EE 11.
- EE 11 specific tests will be needed
- Enough such that there is enough testing to be determined.
- We also will need EE 11 Platform/profiles to be implemented that can run on .
- Make list of TCKs that still need to start migration
- Servlet done
- Security done
- Faces done (with including the old tests inside the new build)
- Persistence need to be done
- Batch already had standalone
- CDI already had standalone
- Authorization needs to be done
- WebSocket?
- Concurrency?
- EJB?
- Test vehicles
- Mostly Servlet is important
- Jakarta Persistence uses Java SE vehicle
- SE vehicle vs EE vehicle (what’s the exact difference, do we need some definition for that?)
- Map to an Arquillian container
- Appclient based test
- Modification to standard container for Arquillian WildFly
- Protocol adjustment
- Appclient needs two deployment
- Formatted log parsing as output
- Servlet has simplest impl (maps directly) \
- JavaTest
- Quite complex
- No trivial mapping from JavaTest to Junit
Rest 4.0 becomes Rest 3.2
- Deprecation of @Context
- Implement an alternative CDI based solution already?
- Deprecated something needs alternative
- May be difficult to implement
- Resources available for REST?
- REST was not able to make 4.0 deadline because of resource issues
- Hard to say - RestEasy might be CI for REST 3.2
- James working on that (for RestEasy)
- How much time would REST 4.0 still need?
- Realizing that in 3.1 @Context would be removed in “some” future release
- Concern that there was no formal deprecation. Without that formal deprecation there might be problems with implementors
- Effort not terribly much different
- Might even be more (supporting two injection implementations)
Jakarta Data implementations
- Join forces by Red Hat and glassfish community
- IBM able to chip in?
- Payara?
- Tomitribe?
- Chat with Gavin King
- How much existing code could be used
- Scott will talk with Gavin on January 24
- Static meta model
- Can implementation use Jakarta Persistence APIs only?
- Nathan: yes
- No need to have the Eclipse EE4J implementation done within the EclipseLink project. Could be standalone project using JPA/jakarta Persistence APIs, could even bypass Jakarta Persistence entirely and just use JDBC
- Or are Hibernate / EclipseLink specifics needed? -> No
- Any progress?
- Yes - Scott working on the update
M2 Dates:
- The EE portion needs to be rehomed (profile on the platform)
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