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Date: 2024-02-20
- James Perkins (Red Hat)
- Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
- David Matejcek (OmniFish)
- Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
- Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
- Ed Burns (Microsoft)
- Jared Anderson (IBM)
- Kyle Aure (IBM)
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Jim Krueger (IBM)
- Riva Philip (IBM)
- Nathan Rauh (IBM)
- Tom Watson (IBM)
- John Clingan (Red Hat)
- Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
- Cesar Hernandez (Tomitribe)
Agenda and Minutes
- This does not apply to service releases.
- Scott Marlow requests clarity for some aspects of this matter.
- These requirements to the TCK process doc impose new requirements on TCKs
- When the JSONB and JSONP TCKs were extracted from the Platform TCK, they effectively became standalone TCKs.
- For JSONB and JSONP, for EE 11, the platform tck for Core still is aiming to have additional tests.
DONE: Ed needs to understand this better.
- Brian Stansberry
- CDI is not an issue here.
- Expression Language is the issue.
- There are two definitions of the word “standalone”
- Something that can run on Java SE alone
- Something that is separate from EE, but still runs with EE.
- Another usage of standalone is “standalone TCK”.
- DONE: Brian agreed to take this to the platform-dev list and get on the Jakarta EE slack for asynchronous discussion.
- Wave 1 - 4 release review initiated by 2024-02-29 (leap day) and M2
- Spec projects
- Service releases
- Jakarta JSON Processing*
- Jakarta Mail*
- Jakarta Activation*
- XML Binding
DONE: Ed needs to indicate that standalone XML Binding and XML web services specifications do need to do a new release to satisfy dependencies from activation. This needs to be indicated on the Release Plan
- Lukas is surprised that XML Binding is now optional and removed from the platform, and we did say that for EE 11 we did remove all optional specifications.
- JEA-101
- Lukas asked, “what about the TCK for things that are impacted by this ‘optional is removed’ thing?”
- Rest Spec has a dependency on XML Binding.
- Rest will need a major release to remove XML Binding API dependency
- Options
- Call it 4.0 and deprecating @Context with alternative function and remove XML Binding API dependency
- Call it 4.0 and just remove XML Binding API dependency and no other changes
- DONE: Ed to Brief Santiago about this.
- Jakarta Annotations 3.0*
- Jakarta Expression Language 6.0*
- Mark Thomas
DONE: Arjan to make sure he is aware.
- Jakarta Interceptors 2.2*
- Jakarta Lang Model 4.1
- (Part of CDI) Scott Stark
- Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1*
- Actions: Pardon Ed’s ignorance, but exactly who needs to take actions to make this happen?
- Ed, Ivar, Arjan
- XML Schemas
- M2 release
- Outstanding spec text changes
- Lukas
- Activation done
- Mail just needs to update compatible impl, otherwise done.
- XML Binding PR is done,
- SAAJ API and XML WS API jars built and in staging, needed in some JAXB
- Annotations 3.0 Release Review started!
- JSON Processing, no change. 2.1.3 is out.
- Persistence will be going out this week.
- Arjan
- Annotations 3.0.0 (final) stage needed for Interceptors
- Scott
- Wave 5 release review initiated by 2024-03-29
- Spec projects
- Jakarta Authorization*
- Jakarta Persistence*
- Jakarta RESTful Web Services*
- Jakarta Server Pages*
- Mark Thomas and Paul A. Nicolucci
- Jakarta Servlet*
- Jakarta Validation*
- Jakarta WebSocket*
- Mark Thomas and Jan Supol
- Actions: Pardon Ed’s ignorance, but exactly who needs to take actions to make this happen?
- Ed, Ivar, Arjan
- XML Schemas
- M3 release
- Outstanding spec text changes
- Project lead names
- Wave 6
- Spec projects
- Jakarta Authentication*
- Jakarta Concurrency*
- Jakarta Faces*
- Actions: Pardon Ed’s ignorance, but exactly who needs to take actions to make this happen?
- Ed, Ivar, Arjan
- XML Schemas
- M4 release
- Outstanding spec text changes
- Project lead names
- Wave 7
- Spec projects
- Jakarta Security*
- Jakarta Data*
- Actions: Pardon Ed’s ignorance, but exactly who needs to take actions to make this happen?
- Ed, Ivar, Arjan
- XML Schemas
- M5 release
- Outstanding spec text changes
- Project lead names
- Wave 8
- Platform Projects
- Jakarta Platform* (including appropriate content formerly in CDI EE)
- Jakarta Web Profile* (including appropriate content formerly in CDI EE)
- Jakarta Core Profile*
- Actions: Pardon Ed’s ignorance, but exactly who needs to take actions to make this happen?
- Ed, Ivar, Arjan
- XML Schemas
- Final release
- Outstanding spec text changes
Other business
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