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Jakarta EE Platform Call

Date: 2024-05-28


  • Kyle Aure (IBM)
  • Jared Anderson (IBM)
  • Anand (IBM)
  • Jim Krueger (IBM)
  • Riva Philip (IBM)
  • Nathan Rauh (IBM)
  • Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
  • Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
  • Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
  • Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
  • Emily Jiang (IBM)

Agenda and Minutes


  • For EE 12 can the mentor review happen during the Milestone or Release Candidate releases instead of during the release review? (Kyle Aure)
    • Jakarta Data and Jakarta Concurrency have suffered many iterations of re-releasing their GA versions
    • The mentor review happened during the release review process where checklists were provided that we had not previously known. (at least I did not because this is my first time)
    • Action: The spec committee should reach out to the spec projects for input to the retrospective, such as provide above.

Previous wave

  • Wave 5 release review initiated by 2024-03-29
    • Spec projects
      • **Jakarta Authorization **
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed \
      • Jakarta Persistence*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
      • Jakarta Validation*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
      • Jakarta WebSocket*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
      • Jakarta Servlet*
        • Ballot started 2024-05-21. Should complete on 2024-06-04.
        • 8 +1s already \
      • Jakarta Pages*
        • Ballot started 2024-05-22. Should complete on 2024-06-04.
        • 8 +1s already \
    • Service releases
      • XML Web Services
        • Published last week
      • Tag Libraries
    • Actions for 2024-03-29 and M3
      • Ed, Ivar, Arjan
        • M3 release
          • Lingering, in staging
          • Waiting: servlet and pages
          • Will be released shortly after

Current wave

  • Wave 6, 7 specs release review initiated by 2024-04-27
    • Spec projects
      • Jakarta Faces*
        • Ballot started 2024-05-21. Should complete on 2024-06-04.
        • 6 +1s already
        • Speedbump
          • Ticket filed. See JEA-378 for link to GitLab ticket.
      • Jakarta Data* (release review initiated by 2024-05-31)
        • Ballot started 2024-05-23. Should complete on 2024-06-06.
        • 5 +1s already
      • Jakarta Concurrency*
        • Ballot started 2024-05-23. Should complete on 2024-06-06.
        • 5 +1s already
      • Jakarta Security*
      • Jakarta Authentication*
      • Risks
        • Finish the platform / profile TCKs
          • When will the refactoring be done?
          • Iteration 1: when an impl can run and pass the tests
          • Not an option to stall the refactoring mid-way
          • When can we ask for a date? Or a date for a date?
          • Soon at at point where we can onboard more people from the spec project teams to help with the work
          • Open ReWrite recipes to refactor
          • Platform TCK call next week.
          • Jan suggested completing the Core Profile TCK first for shorter feedback loop. Volunteers wanted.
        • Implementation that passes everything
          • GF close
          • Jakarta Data implementation GlassFish?
            • Hack on EclipseLink
            • Use JNoSQL
              • Ed asked Otavio about this on Monday 2024-05-20.
            • Hibernate development
              • Scott Stark created the runner
              • 9 out of 99 are failing, all due to SQL failures
                • Out of bound on Derby
                • Derby dialect fails
                • May use H2
          • Defering GlassFish status to next week
        • Update of spec text in platform
          • Spec integration text added to the platform / profile specs?
          • May be platform / profile specific tests needed to be added
          • Action: Now that the components are done, it is time to focus on the Platform and profile spec updates and tests.
          • Action for all: Read through the changes made since EE 10
            • E.g.
              • platform change for Persistence?
              • CDI Integration
      • Question for the TCK Project: Have the CDI tests been moved from the CDI TCK to the Platform TCK/Web Profile TCK/Core Profile TCK?
    • OCX24 (former EclipseCon): CfP is still open: \
    • early birds ends 2024-05-31 \
    • regular deadline is 2024-06-10
      Having a BoF session for the Working Group?

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