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Jakarta EE Platform Call

Date: 2024-06-11


  • Ed Burns (MSFT)
  • Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
  • Jared Anderson (IBM)
  • Kyle Aure (IBM)
  • Emily Jiang (IBM)
  • Jim Krueger (IBM)
  • Riva Philip (IBM)
  • Anand NK (IBM)
  • Nathan Rauh (IBM)
  • Thomas Watson (IBM)
  • Adam Yoho (IBM)
  • James Perkins (Red Hat)
  • John Clingan (Red Hat)
  • Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
  • Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
  • Ed Bratt (Oracle)
  • Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
  • Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
  • Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
  • Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
  • Werner Keil (Ambassador/Committer)

Agenda and Minutes

Top-of-mind from Ed and Arjan

  • Security Spec going to ballot?
    • Arjan asserts the mentor need to take actions to start the ballot
    • ACTION: Discuss at Specification committee tomorrow.
  • Platform TCK
    • What happened at the call last week?
      • Top priority for the Platform TCK is to understand how much time is required to complete the refactoring.
        • Still not in a position to give a date for a date.
        • Plan is to build a way to scale up and parallelize the work.
      • There was no plan all along for a plan B to go back to the previous way of doing things.
    • Status of “have a meeting every week from now until EE 11 is done”?
      • Updated the calendar for links to these meetings.
      • ACTION: Scott Marlow to update the calendar of record.
      • In the meantime, the meetings will be at 11am EDT Wednesdays at the same Zoom number as usual:
        Join Zoom Meeting
    • Emily offered some suggestions on the way forward, in terms of project management and prioritization.
      • Let’s keep the focus on what we need to know to get clarity on the schedule.
      • The marketing concerns will adjust accordingly, and push back if necessary.
    • Arjan suggested more transparency regarding the remaining TCKs that need to be completed. Perhaps a Google sheet. This would give us a better ability to understand the size of the remaining work.
    • Tanja
      • Can the TCK team enumerate the set of skills the individuals need to have in order to be productive?
        • EE component TCK team members.
      • Include this in the notification of the schedule slippage to the Steering Committee.
    • Ed and Arjan to go to Steering committee next week with Scott Marlow’s estimation worksheet and the outer bound slippage estimate, currently pegged at one quarter.
  • Steering committee
    • What happened at the call last week?
    • They asked for what date is feasible.
    • Arjan reported that the work is done for specs, APIs, and implementations.
    • Summer holidays were discussed, regarding the schedule slippage.
  • Actions for 2024-03-29 and M3
    • Ed, Ivar, Arjan
      • M3 release
        • Lingering, in staging
        • Waiting: servlet and pages
        • Will be released shortly after
      • Pages and Servlet to hit maven central.
  • Data 1.0 is done on schedule.
  • Data impl for GlassFish 8.0-JDK17.

Previous wave

  • Wave 5 release review initiated by 2024-03-29
    • Spec projects
      • **Jakarta Authorization **
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed \
      • Jakarta Persistence*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
      • Jakarta Validation*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
      • Jakarta WebSocket*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
      • Jakarta Servlet*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
        • (some final small steps remaining)
      • Jakarta Pages*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
        • (some final small steps remaining)
    • Service releases
    • Actions for 2024-03-29 and M3
      • Ed, Ivar, Arjan
        • M3 release
          • Lingering, in staging
          • Waiting: servlet and pages
          • Will be released shortly after

Current wave

  • Wave 6, 7 specs release review initiated by 2024-04-27
    • Spec projects
      • Jakarta Faces*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
        • Speedbump
          • Ticket filed. See JEA-378 for link to GitLab ticket.
      • Jakarta Data* (release review initiated by 2024-05-31)
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
        • ACTION: Ed needs to update the platform release plan to refer to version: 1.0.1.
      • Jakarta Concurrency*
        • Ballot passed and API available in Maven Central
        • CCR approved and closed
        • **We need the TCK 3.1.1 service release with high urgency **
        • ACTION: Ed needs to update the platform release plan to refer to the service release to depend on 3.1.1.
        • Kyle asked: do we really need to have a different version for the service release of the TCK as for the spec?
        • Nathan observed other specs do this differently. There is not a uniform way to do this.
      • Jakarta Authentication*
        • Ballot started. Running till June 19th
        • 7 +1s already
      • Jakarta Security*


  • Finish the platform / profile TCKs
    • When will the refactoring be done?
    • Iteration 1: when an impl can run and pass the tests
    • Not an option to stall the refactoring mid-way
    • When can we ask for a date? Or a date for a date?
    • Soon at at point where we can onboard more people from the spec project teams to help with the work
    • Open ReWrite recipes to refactor
    • Platform TCK call last week.
    • Jan suggested completing the Core Profile TCK first for shorter feedback loop. Volunteers wanted.
  • Implementation that passes everything
    • GlassFish close
      • Jakarta Concurrency
        • Passes the not yet released TCK 3.1.1
      • Jakarta Data
        • Scott Stark’s Hibernate Runner for GlassFish
          • Based on annotation processor and Hibernate libs copied to /lib of a GlassFish installation
  • **Update of spec text in platform **
    • Spec integration text added to the platform / profile specs?
    • May be platform / profile specific tests needed to be added
    • Action: Now that the components are done, it is time to focus on the Platform and profile spec updates and tests.
    • Action for all: Read through the changes made since EE 10
      • E.g.
        • platform change for Persistence?
        • CDI Integration
  • **Questions for the TCK Project: **
    • Have the CDI tests been moved from the CDI TCK to the Platform TCK/Web Profile TCK/Core Profile TCK?
    • Will the Persistence tests run on an actual Server/container?
      • Persistence TCK was passed running EclipseLink and Hibernate in Java SE mode. No server of any kind (no GlassFish, no WildFly, etc) was ever even started to pass these tests.
      • Draft PR that runs SE Mode persistence tests from within GlassFish (passed mostly, except for a specific SE test that tests that Jakarta Validation is NOT there)
      • TCK needs to be updated to support “platform mode”, but is this even possible without a re-release of the TCK???

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