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Jakarta EE Platform Call

Date: 2024-06-25


  • Ed Burns (MSFT)
  • James Perkins (Red Hat)
  • Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
  • David Matějček (OmniFish)
  • Jared Anderson (IBM)
  • Kyle Aure (IBM)
  • Emily Jiang (IBM)
  • Anand N K (IBM)
  • Riva Philip (IBM)
  • Nathan Rauh (IBM)
  • Thomas Watson (IBM)
  • Adam Yoho (IBM)
  • Gautham Krishnan (IBM)
  • Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
  • John Clingan (Red Hat)
  • Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
  • Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
  • Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
  • Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
  • César Hernández (Tomitribe)
  • Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)

Agenda and Minutes

Top-of-mind from Ed and Arjan

  • Share outcome of steering committee meeting last week.
    • Notified Steering committee of delay due to platform TCK.
    • Did state: one quarter, but hope to bring that in.
    • Ed committed to get fully involved in the Platform TCK effort.

TCK Refactoring Progress Report

  • Scott Marlow on vacation time today.
    • He did note these topics of discussion

EE 11

  • All ballots for EE 11 are complete.
  • Milestone 3
    • ACTION: Ed to update specifications page to point to M3 artifacts.
    • Otherwise all done with M3.
  • Milestone 4

EE 12

Release coordinator for EE 12

Java version (this is the fourth time we have done it this way)

Doing it this way made it possible for [Spring 6.2 to depend on EE 11 APIs](

Copied from EE 11 release plan, but changed 17/21 to 21/25.

  • SE 25 is targeted for September 2025.
  • EE 12 targeted for 1H 2026.
  • Component specs can get started on their EE 12 work now.
  • We can use the release plan from EE 11 as the starting point for EE 12 but just, “add two years”.
    • May need to refactor which specs go into which waves.
    • We will likely need four milestones to get it all done.
  • See 2024-05-21 for some other details on this.

EE 12 Java version

For the Jakarta EE Platform (Platform, Web and Core), the Java compiler --release option is 21. For the component specs, the Jakarta EE Platform requires the Java compiler --release option is at most 21, but component specifications can decide on a lower level.

  • Component spec TCKs and platform TCK must compile at Java 21 or less.
  • A compatible component impl must pass their component TCK when run under Java 21 or 25.
    • To ratify a component specification, there must exist an implementation that passes on Java 21. There must also exist an implementation that passes on 25.
    • These need not be the same implementation. There can be one implementation that passes on 21 and a different one that passes on 25.
  • A compatible platform impl must pass the platform TCK when run under 21 or 25.
    • To ratify a platform specification, there must exist an implementation that passes on 21. There must also exist an implementation that passes on 25.
    • These need not be the same implementation. There can be one implementation that passes on 21 and a different one that passes on 25.

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