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Jakarta EE Platform Call

Date: 2024-08-20


  • Jared Anderson (IBM)
  • Kyle Aure (IBM)
  • Emily Jiang (IBM)
  • Gautham Krishnan (IBM)
  • Jim Krueger (IBM)
  • Anand NK (IBM)
  • Riva Philip (IBM)
  • Nathan Rauh (IBM)
  • Tom Watson (IBM)
  • James Perkins (Red Hat)
  • John Clingan (Red Hat)
  • Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
  • Ed Bratt (Oracle)
  • Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
  • Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
  • Ed Burns (MSFT)
  • Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
  • César Hernández (Tomitribe)

Top-of-mind from Ed and Arjan

>>>>> gd2md-html alert: inline image link here (to images/image1.png). Store image on your image server and adjust path/filename/extension if necessary.
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* These are in the hugo template.
* Somehow, this has already been fixed.

Refactoring Progress Report

  • Quick recap from last weeks discussion of cloning Platform TCK jpa tests
    • We now have jpa-tck (ballotted Persistence 3.2 TCK) + jpa (has EE tests).
    • This is merged.
  • Scott Stark has ejb32 tests passing locally with WildFly
    • Scott Marlow passed a subset of these as well this morning on his local machine.
  • Some more work is needed for launching external services
  • Have another round of discussion about the date for completion of TCK to advertise to Spec and Steering committees.
    • Need to give marketing committee at least three weeks lead time before. Normally it is six weeks lead time.
    • It really needs to be before CY25.
  • GlassFish 8.0 and JDKs
    • GlassFish 8.0 JDK 17 branch
    • GlassFish 8.0 primary branch: only JDK 21

Jakarta EE 11

  • See above TCK discussion.

Jakarta EE 12

  • See above for release co-coordinators.
  • ACTION: Send email announcing release co-coordinators.
  • Start working toward EE 12 release plan.
  • Start getting involved with component specs to understand their release plans.

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