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Jakarta EE Platform Call

Date: 2024-08-27


  • Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
  • James Perkins (Red Hat)
  • Jared Anderson (IBM)
  • Kyle Aure (IBM)
  • Emily Jiang (IBM)
  • Jim Krueger (IBM)
  • Anand NK (IBM)
  • Nathan Rauh (IBM)
  • Tom Watson (IBM)
  • Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
  • Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
  • Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
  • Ed Burns (MSFT)
  • Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
  • César Hernández (Tomitribe)

Agenda and Minutes

Top-of-mind from Ed and Arjan

  • EE11 Milestone 5: JEA-438
    • JEA-439: Fix table 2: need owner
    • See below.
  • TCK refactoring
    • Steering committee call today
      • Can either Scott Stark or Scott Marlow attend the steering committee call at 12:30 EDT today? Scott Stark can.
      • “Row pruning” exercise in progress
      • “Fill out Total tests” exercise: need outside help.
    • JEA-436: Prune the Porting list to remove all rows pertaining to technologies under discussion for deprecation
    • Prune the Refactoring (was Porting) section to remove rows that we can afford to simply not test for compatibility in EE 11, relying on the honor system from vendors?
      • Rows deemed eligible for voting for among the platform project to remove from critical path:
        • Appclient
          • #1476
        • SAAJ #1373
        • Prune jakarta.ejb.EJBHome from TCK tests (impacts around 215 tests)?
        • Ejb 2 is not required for the EE 11 Platform
          • #1478
        • Javamail #1381
        • Jaxws #1382
        • Jsonp #1372
        • Jsonb #1373
        • Jstl #1376
        • JTA #1375
        • Xa #1379
        • JMS #1495
      • Unknown
        • Assembly #1477
        • Integration #1479
      • Cannot be moved from critical path or already significant progress
        • Signature #1483
        • Servlet #1180
        • Ejb30 #1436
        • El #1380
        • Java ee #1480
        • JDBC #1382
        • JPA #1371
        • Connector #1438
        • JSP #1374
        • WebSocket #1378
        • Cdi-ee #1484
        • Ejb32 #1421
      • Irrelevant to this exercise
        • SQL #1482

Refactoring Progress Report

  • Work continuing apace
    • Most recent estimated completed date: 2024-11-27 with 5% confidence.
      • We can increase the confidence percentage with a successful completion of the “row pruning” exercise.

Jakarta EE 11

Jakarta EE 12

  • JEA-414: Application client deprecation

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