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Jakarta EE Platform Call

Date: 2024-09-03


  • James Perkins (Red Hat)
  • Jared Anderson (IBM)
  • Kyle Aure (IBM)
  • Emily JIang (IBM)
  • Gautham Krishnan (IBM)
  • Jim Krueger (IBM)
  • Anand NK (IBM)
  • Riva Philip (IBM)
  • Ed Burns (MSFT)
  • Nathan Rauh (IBM)
  • Tom Watson (IBM)
  • Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
  • John Clingan (Red Hat)
  • Lukas Jungmann (Oracle)
  • Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
  • Ivar Grimstad (Eclilpse Foundation)
  • Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
  • Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
  • Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)

Agenda and Minutes

Top-of-mind from Ed and Arjan

  • USA Holiday yesterday, did not pre-fill agenda.
  • Met with Lukas Jungmann last week.
    • Ed understands PR-746
    • Ed will send PR to update spec sections relating to “injection like” feature set in @Resource and JNDI with respect to future investment direction in CDI.
  • ACTION: Ed to follow up with Arjan about commitments for EE 11 timeframe
    • Confirm with Arjan about his EE 11 deliverables
    • GlassFish 8 JDK 17 still targeted as ratifying compatible implementation
  • JAX FL JUG Tuesday 2024-09-10
    • Ivar availability TBD
    • ACTION: Ed to reach out to Eyal. Offer bonus.
      • Jared to help with FROM clause for EE 11 Liberty
      • Emily to help with POM changes for EE 11 Liberty \

Refactoring Progress Report

Jakarta EE 11

  • JEA-441: Ed Spec updates for CDI and Persistence changes.
  • JEA-248: Ed Changes in EE 11 section
  • JEA-439: Need owner Fix table 2 \

Jakarta EE 12

  • Set a target date for having a first announceable draft of the EE 12 release plan?
    • What have we publicly stated for EE 12?
      • Goal is LTS + 6 months. This is H1CY26.
        • This means most of the work needs to be completed in CY2025.
        • Wave 1 2026-01
    • Ivar stated it is more useful to have target dates for the component specs.
      • Each of the component specs must produce a platform plan review
      • Take the EE 11 release plan and add N months. Aim to have the milestones overall earlier in the cycle than we did in EE 11.
    • Jared observed the top down/bottom up approach impacts our approach here.
      • Two things:
        • Schedule: timing
          • Milestone schedule
        • Plan: content
    • Jan observed that the wave ordering will need to be refreshed based on the changes we made in EE 11.
  • JEA-414: Application client deprecation

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