Date: 2024-11-12
- James Perkins (Red Hat)
- Ed Burns (MSFT)
- Jared Anderson (IBM)
- Kyle Aure (IBM)
- Anand NK (IBM)
- Nathan Rauh (IBM)
- Volodymyr Siedlecki (IBM)
- Tom Watson (IBM)
- Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
- John Clingan (Red Hat)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
Agenda and Minutes
Top of mind for Ed, Arjan, Jared
- TCK, of course
- David took urgent action at personal inconvenience. Thanks for that. Can we meet that action with yet more urgency?
- Scott Stark said, “We can certainly use this as a workaround for now.” So, what’s the status of this?
- Marlow: With the lookup-name test hack, seeing some local success of appmanagedNoTx testing
- Tests also use ejb-link which is interesting that adding `lookup-name` helps.
- appmanagedNoTx - Container-managed stateful session bean using `@PersistenceUnit` annotation to inject an `EntityManagerFactory`; the `EntityManagerFactory` API is used to create an Application-ManagedResource Local `EntityManager`, and uses the `EntityTransaction` APIs to control transactions
- EE 11
- Web and Platform
- Core Profile release
- Scott Stark has some follow up actions to take after review from Emily
- ACTION: Ed Burns to ensure Scott Stark is aware of the need to take action.
- Approve certification requests
Refactoring Progress Report
- We didn’t meet the deadline of completing the EE 11 Platform TCK by Nov 8, 2024
- What is the new EE 11 schedule for Web/Platform specifications?
- Complete the EE 11 TCK refactoring.
- Can we still deliver in CY2024?
Jakarta EE 11
- Faces updates
- 4.1.1 TCK is staged here
- JEA-473 Ed will create a PR to with updated link to promoted TCK ( and request spec committee to promote)
- Due to API change, need to possibly update the signature test for the Faces TCK. Need to run TCK against Mojarra 4.1.2.
- 4.1.2 API
- Update complete and promoted
- Jakarta EE API updated to pull in the 4.1.2 API as well
- Authentication 3.1.1 TCK update
- Staged version has been created and validated that it resolves the problems.
- Still needs to be promoted to be publicly available.
- ACTION: Ed to follow the same process as above for the Faces 4.1.1 activity.
- Servlet 6.1.1 TCK update
- Ran into some issues with the service release and had to revert a PR due to adding new tests to the TCK
- REST SPEC API + What about + Java Security Manager?
- Do we need a service release or minor or major release from REST to remove the Security Manager from the REST SPEC API?