Date: 2024-12-17
- Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
- James Perkins (Red Hat)
- John Clingan (Red Hat)
- Ed Burns (MSFT)
- Jared Anderson (IBM)
- Anand NK (IBM)
- Nathan Rauh (IBM)
- Tom Watson (IBM)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)
- Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
- Ed Bratt (Oracle)
- Gurunandan Rao (Oracle)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Emily Jiang (IBM)
- Bernd Müller (Ostfalia)
Top of mind for Ed, Arjan, Jared
- Next call: January 7, 2025
- Modify CI jobs for all EE 11 to comply with Spec Committee’s process for TCK jars pushed to Maven Central.
- Do this before releasing the Core Profile jars to maven central.
- See official document from spec committe.
- ACTION: Ed to take this action: push the executables to Maven Central
- Currently, the zip file has these jar(s) embedded within the published ZIP. Instead, the above process requires these jar(s) to be explicitly published along side the zip.
- This request originated from Roberto Cortez from MicroProfile:
- This enables the:
- The SHAS to stay the same
- Preserves the license files
- Also need to do this for EE 10 (need to understand how we can do such a thing retroactively).
- Example of the type of failures that we keep running into with the TCK refactoring:
- Totally unique problem (we haven’t encountered this specific one before after ~6 months)
- The point of bringing this up:
- Only related to the tests itself
- Completely unrelated to GlassFish or any other server being tested
- Illustrate the continued existence of the emergence of unknown unknowns. Each such emergence can introduce a very wide range of delay.
- Guru suggested an idea for satisfying the Persistence test requirement:
- We have the component spec TCK for persistence 3.2 that has been running and passing for six months.
- Could we combine this with the existing, passing, platform persistence tests, and call that good enough?
- Ed asked for discussion from the spec committee members who are also in the Platform project call if this idea would still pass the ballot process for the specification committee.
- Emily asked, but what about the use of Eclipselink, instead of GlassFish? I think you need to run in the container, not standalone.
- The discussion proceeded to the topic of what is the current state of affairs for the TCK tests “in container” or “Java SE” mode.
- Tom elicited that this proposal includes the assumption that if you run the tests outside the container, they will also run inside the container which is not a valid assumption.
- Platform TCK did agree to focus on Web Profile TCK
- Continue to work on persistence, EJB lite, assembly, signaturetest
- Separating out the persistence tests that are only in the Platform.
- This is implemented using JUnit tags.
- Guru asked for us to define a plan of record for the case when challenges are raised to tests that are both in the Web Profile and Platform.
- Consider this scenario:
- Complete the Web Profile
- During the Platform process, one of these common tests is challenged.
- What happens to the instance of this test in the Web Profile? This may happen in connection with a technology that is only present in the Platform profile?
- Proposals
- make a copy of the test in question
- Complete the Web Profile TCK first, but do not go to ballot with the Web Profile.
- TCK refactoring project understaffed.
- Currently
- Oracle: 2 staff members full time
- Red Hat: 1 staff member full time, often 2
- IBM: 1 staff member part-time
- Microsoft: 1 staff member part-time (coordinating)
- OmniFish: 1 staff member part-time
- Payara: 0
- Tomitribe: 0
- Fujitsu: 0
- Do any of the members not contributing yet have engineering resources to donate to the effort?
- Source of truth of what tests are actually running and passing
Jakarta EE 11
- Authentication 3.1.1 TCK update
- Servlet 6.1.1 TCK update
- Latest staged version is from Oct 31
- What is the status of getting a newer staged version with the revert done?
- Validation 3.1 API
- Validation implementation cannot go final until some files are added / updated in the API jar.
- When will we get a new 3.1.1 release of the API?