
This chapter describes types of transactions and how they are managed in different applications.

Overview of Transactions

A typical enterprise application accesses and stores information in one or more databases. Because this information is critical for business operations, it must be accurate, current, and reliable. Data integrity would be lost if multiple programs were allowed to update the same information simultaneously or if a system that failed while processing a business transaction were to leave the affected data only partially updated. By preventing both of these scenarios, software transactions ensure data integrity. Transactions control the concurrent access of data by multiple programs. In the event of a system failure, transactions make sure that after recovery, the data will be in a consistent state.

Transactions in Jakarta EE Applications

In a Jakarta EE application, a transaction is a series of actions that must all complete successfully, or else all the changes in each action are backed out. Transactions end in either a commit or a rollback.

Jakarta Transactions allows applications to access transactions in a manner that is independent of specific implementations. Jakarta Transactions specifies standard Java interfaces between a transaction manager and the parties involved in a distributed transaction system: the transactional application, the Jakarta EE server, and the manager that controls access to the shared resources affected by the transactions.

Jakarta Transactions defines the UserTransaction interface that applications use to start, commit, or roll back transactions. Application components get a UserTransaction object through a JNDI lookup by using the name java:comp/UserTransaction or by requesting injection of a UserTransaction object. An application server uses a number of Jakarta Transactions defined interfaces to communicate with a transaction manager; a transaction manager uses Jakarta Transactions defined interfaces to interact with a resource manager.

The Jakarta Transactions 2.0 specification is available at

What Is a Transaction?

To emulate a business transaction, a program may need to perform several steps. A financial program, for example, might transfer funds from a checking account to a savings account by using the steps listed in the following pseudocode:

begin transaction
    debit checking account
    credit savings account
    update history log
commit transaction

Either all or none of the three steps must complete. Otherwise, data integrity is lost. Because the steps within a transaction are a unified whole, a transaction is often defined as an indivisible unit of work.

A transaction can end in two ways: with a commit or with a rollback. When a transaction commits, the data modifications made by its statements are saved. If a statement within a transaction fails, the transaction rolls back, undoing the effects of all statements in the transaction. In the pseudocode, for example, if a disk drive were to crash during the credit step, the transaction would roll back and undo the data modifications made by the debit statement. Although the transaction fails, data integrity would be intact because the accounts still balance.

In the preceding pseudocode, the begin and commit statements mark the boundaries of the transaction. When designing an enterprise bean, you determine how the boundaries are set by specifying either container-managed or bean-managed transactions.

Container-Managed Transactions

In an enterprise bean with container-managed transaction demarcation, the enterprise bean container sets the boundaries of the transactions. You can use container-managed transactions with any type of enterprise bean: session or message-driven. Container-managed transactions simplify development because the enterprise bean code does not explicitly mark the transaction’s boundaries. The code does not include statements that begin and end the transaction. By default, if no transaction demarcation is specified, enterprise beans use container-managed transaction demarcation.

Typically, the container begins a transaction immediately before an enterprise bean method starts and commits the transaction just before the method exits. Each method can be associated with a single transaction. Nested or multiple transactions are not allowed within a method.

Container-managed transactions do not require all methods to be associated with transactions. When developing a bean, you can set the transaction attributes to specify which of the bean’s methods are associated with transactions.

Enterprise beans that use container-managed transaction demarcation must not use any transaction-management methods that interfere with the container’s transaction demarcation boundaries. Examples of such methods are the commit, setAutoCommit, and rollback methods of java.sql.Connection or the commit and rollback methods of jakarta.jms.Session. If you require control over the transaction demarcation, you must use application-managed transaction demarcation.

Enterprise beans that use container-managed transaction demarcation also must not use the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface.

Transaction Attributes

A transaction attribute controls the scope of a transaction. Figure 1, “Transaction Scope” illustrates why controlling the scope is important. In the diagram, method-A begins a transaction and then invokes method-B of Bean-2. When method-B executes, does it run within the scope of the transaction started by method-A, or does it execute with a new transaction? The answer depends on the transaction attribute of method-B.

A diagram showing a transaction between two beans.
Figure 1. Transaction Scope

A transaction attribute can have one of the following values:

  • Required

  • RequiresNew

  • Mandatory

  • NotSupported

  • Supports

  • Never

Required Attribute

If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the enterprise bean’s method, the method executes within the client’s transaction. If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container starts a new transaction before running the method.

The Required attribute is the implicit transaction attribute for all enterprise bean methods running with container-managed transaction demarcation. You typically do not set the Required attribute unless you need to override another transaction attribute. Because transaction attributes are declarative, you can easily change them later.

RequiresNew Attribute

If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the enterprise bean’s method, the container takes the following steps:

  1. Suspends the client’s transaction

  2. Starts a new transaction

  3. Delegates the call to the method

  4. Resumes the client’s transaction after the method completes

If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container starts a new transaction before running the method.

You should use the RequiresNew attribute when you want to ensure that the method always runs within a new transaction.

Mandatory Attribute

If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the enterprise bean’s method, the method executes within the client’s transaction. If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container throws a TransactionRequiredException.

Use the Mandatory attribute if the enterprise bean’s method must use the transaction of the client.

NotSupported Attribute

If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the enterprise bean’s method, the container suspends the client’s transaction before invoking the method. After the method has completed, the container resumes the client’s transaction.

If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container does not start a new transaction before running the method.

Use the NotSupported attribute for methods that don’t need transactions. Because transactions involve overhead, this attribute may improve performance.

Supports Attribute

If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the enterprise bean’s method, the method executes within the client’s transaction. If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container does not start a new transaction before running the method.

Because the transactional behavior of the method may vary, you should use the Supports attribute with caution.

Never Attribute

If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the enterprise bean’s method, the container throws a RemoteException. If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container does not start a new transaction before running the method.

Summary of Transaction Attributes

Transaction Attributes and Scope summarizes the effects of the transaction attributes. Both the T1 and the T2 transactions are controlled by the container. A T1 transaction is associated with the client that calls a method in the enterprise bean. In most cases, the client is another enterprise bean. A T2 transaction is started by the container just before the method executes.

In the last column of Transaction Attributes and Scope, the word "None" means that the business method does not execute within a transaction controlled by the container. However, the database calls in such a business method might be controlled by the transaction manager of the database management system.

Transaction Attributes and Scope
Transaction Attribute Client’s Transaction Business Method’s Transaction





































Setting Transaction Attributes

Transaction attributes are specified by decorating the enterprise bean class or method with a jakarta.ejb.TransactionAttribute annotation and setting it to one of the jakarta.ejb.TransactionAttributeType constants.

If you decorate the enterprise bean class with @TransactionAttribute, the specified TransactionAttributeType is applied to all the business methods in the class. Decorating a business method with @TransactionAttribute applies the TransactionAttributeType only to that method. If a @TransactionAttribute annotation decorates both the class and the method, the method TransactionAttributeType overrides the class TransactionAttributeType.

The TransactionAttributeType constants shown in TransactionAttributeType Constants encapsulate the transaction attributes described earlier in this section.

TransactionAttributeType Constants
Transaction Attribute TransactionAttributeType Constant













The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the @TransactionAttribute annotation:

public class TransactionBean implements Transaction {
    public void firstMethod() {...}

    public void secondMethod() {...}

    public void thirdMethod() {...}

    public void fourthMethod() {...}

In this example, the TransactionBean class’s transaction attribute has been set to NotSupported, firstMethod has been set to RequiresNew, and secondMethod has been set to Required. Because a @TransactionAttribute set on a method overrides the class @TransactionAttribute, calls to firstMethod will create a new transaction, and calls to secondMethod will either run in the current transaction or start a new transaction. Calls to thirdMethod or fourthMethod do not take place within a transaction.

Rolling Back a Container-Managed Transaction

There are two ways to roll back a container-managed transaction. First, if a system exception is thrown, the container will automatically roll back the transaction. Second, by invoking the setRollbackOnly method of the EJBContext interface, the bean method instructs the container to roll back the transaction. If the bean throws an application exception, the rollback is not automatic but can be initiated by a call to setRollbackOnly.

Synchronizing a Session Bean’s Instance Variables

The SessionSynchronization interface, which is optional, allows stateful session bean instances to receive transaction synchronization notifications. For example, you could synchronize the instance variables of an enterprise bean with their corresponding values in the database. The container invokes the SessionSynchronization methods (afterBegin, beforeCompletion, and afterCompletion) at each of the main stages of a transaction.

The afterBegin method informs the instance that a new transaction has begun. The container invokes afterBegin immediately before it invokes the business method.

The container invokes the beforeCompletion method after the business method has finished but just before the transaction commits. The beforeCompletion method is the last opportunity for the session bean to roll back the transaction (by calling setRollbackOnly).

The afterCompletion method indicates that the transaction has completed. This method has a single boolean parameter whose value is true if the transaction was committed and false if it was rolled back.

Methods Not Allowed in Container-Managed Transactions

You should not invoke any method that might interfere with the transaction boundaries set by the container. The following methods are prohibited:

  • The commit, setAutoCommit, and rollback methods of java.sql.Connection

  • The getUserTransaction method of jakarta.ejb.EJBContext

  • Any method of jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction

You can, however, use these methods to set boundaries in application-managed transactions.

Bean-Managed Transactions

In bean-managed transaction demarcation, the code in the session or message-driven bean explicitly marks the boundaries of the transaction. Although beans with container-managed transactions require less coding, they have one limitation: When a method is executing, it can be associated with either a single transaction or no transaction at all. If this limitation will make coding your bean difficult, you should consider using bean-managed transactions.

The following pseudocode illustrates the kind of fine-grained control you can obtain with application-managed transactions. By checking various conditions, the pseudocode decides whether to start or stop certain transactions within the business method:

begin transaction
    update table-a
if (condition-x)
   commit transaction
else if (condition-y)
   update table-b
   commit transaction
   rollback transaction
   begin transaction
   update table-c
   commit transaction

When coding an application-managed transaction for session or message-driven beans, you must decide whether to use Java Database Connectivity or Jakarta transactions. The sections that follow discuss both types of transactions.

Jakarta Transactions

Jakarta Transactions allows you to demarcate transactions in a manner that is independent of the transaction manager implementation. GlassFish Server implements the transaction manager with the Java Transaction Service (JTS). However, your code doesn’t call the JTS methods directly but instead invokes the Jakarta Transactions methods, which then call the lower-level JTS routines.

A Jakarta transaction is controlled by the Jakarta EE transaction manager. You may want to use a Jakarta transaction because it can span updates to multiple databases from different vendors. A particular DBMS’s transaction manager may not work with heterogeneous databases. However, the Jakarta EE transaction manager does have one limitation: It does not support nested transactions. In other words, it cannot start a transaction for an instance until the preceding transaction has ended.

To demarcate a Jakarta transaction, you invoke the begin, commit, and rollback methods of the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface.

Returning without Committing

In a stateless session bean with bean-managed transactions, a business method must commit or roll back a transaction before returning. However, a stateful session bean does not have this restriction.

In a stateful session bean with a Jakarta transaction, the association between the bean instance and the transaction is retained across multiple client calls. Even if each business method called by the client opens and closes the database connection, the association is retained until the instance completes the transaction.

In a stateful session bean with a JDBC transaction, the JDBC connection retains the association between the bean instance and the transaction across multiple calls. If the connection is closed, the association is not retained.

Methods Not Allowed in Bean-Managed Transactions

Do not invoke the getRollbackOnly and setRollbackOnly methods of the EJBContext interface in bean-managed transactions. These methods should be used only in container-managed transactions. For bean-managed transactions, invoke the getStatus and rollback methods of the UserTransaction interface.

Transaction Timeouts

For container-managed transactions, you can use the Administration Console to configure the transaction timeout interval. See Starting the Administration Console.

For enterprise beans with bean-managed Jakarta transactions, you invoke the setTransactionTimeout method of the UserTransaction interface.

To Set a Transaction Timeout

  1. In the Administration Console, expand the Configurations node, then expand the server-config node and select Transaction Service.

  2. On the Transaction Service page, set the value of the Transaction Timeout field to the value of your choice (for example, 5).

    With this setting, if the transaction has not completed within 5 seconds, the enterprise bean container rolls it back.

    The default value is 0, meaning that the transaction will not time out.

  3. Click Save.

Updating Multiple Databases

The Jakarta EE transaction manager controls all enterprise bean transactions except for bean-managed JDBC transactions. The Jakarta EE transaction manager allows an enterprise bean to update multiple databases within a transaction. Figure 2, “Updating Multiple Databases” and Figure 3, “Updating Multiple Databases Across Jakarta EE Servers” show two scenarios for updating multiple databases in a single transaction.

In Figure 2, “Updating Multiple Databases”, the client invokes a business method in Bean-A. The business method begins a transaction, updates Database X, updates Database Y, and invokes a business method in Bean-B. The second business method updates Database Z and returns control to the business method in Bean-A, which commits the transaction. All three database updates occur in the same transaction.

In Figure 3, “Updating Multiple Databases Across Jakarta EE Servers”, the client calls a business method in Bean-A, which begins a transaction and updates Database X. Then Bean-A invokes a method in Bean-B, which resides in a remote Jakarta EE server. The method in Bean-B updates Database Y. The transaction managers of the Jakarta EE servers ensure that both databases are updated in the same transaction.

A diagram showing Bean-A updating databases X and Y, and Bean-B updating database Z.
Figure 2. Updating Multiple Databases
A diagram showing Bean-A on one Jakarta EE server updating database X, and Bean-B on another Jakarta EE server updating database Y.
Figure 3. Updating Multiple Databases Across Jakarta EE Servers

Transactions in Web Components

You can demarcate a transaction in a web component by using either the java.sql.Connection or the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface. These are the same interfaces that a session bean with bean-managed transactions can use. Transactions demarcated with the UserTransaction interface are discussed in Jakarta Transactions.

Further Information about Transactions

For more information about transactions, see the Jakarta Transactions 2.0 specification at